ICU Care Staffing
[Critical Care-Staffing]

A critical care nurse provides specialised care to the patients in need of intensive care, caring for their daily needs of those who are the most vulnerable. Majorly focuses on the utmost care of the critically ill or unstable patients following extensive injury, surgery or life threatening diseases.

Role & Responsibility
Ability to undertake situational handling i.e. complex & unpredictable to deliver best care to the patient
Proficient in ICU and Basic Life Support
Regular Monitoring of the patient
Coordinating with and following doctor's line of treatment
Ability to administer life saving drugs on doctor's advice

Related Care
Patients suffering from life threatening illnesses
Multiple or vital organ damage
Deteriorating or fluctuating patient's medical condition
Patients needing 24hr monitoring
Other staff technical skills: Ventilator and Bipap Care, Tracheostomy care, (Ryle's Tube) R.T. Tube care, I.V. & I.M. treatment and management, Central Line Care, Catheter Care, Colostomy Care

Visit Services
Request a nurse for
Injections, Drip, Catheter, Enema, Cannula, Dressing, Stitches, B.P. & Sugar Check, Blood Sample Collection

Medical Equiptments
Contact Us & Pre- Arrange
medical equipments setup
at your home.
Our staff will guide you setting up with the right equipments at your home, as per the requirement of the patient's condition.