General Caretakers
[General Duty Assistant-Staffing]

Non-medical staffing, opted for the basic routine care of your loved ones. Where the staff works as a personal assistant for them and helps to benefit them maintain a balanced routine life while aiding to cope with their underlying general medical condition, if any.

Role & Responsibility
Providing companionship
maintaining the hygiene of the patient
Bathing, grooming, dressing & toileting
Assisting in routine activities/ exercises
Administering patient's dietary
Administering the daily medication of the patient

Related Care
Elderly & fragile care
Bedridden patients
Paralysis patients
Disabled patients
Orthopaedic surgery
Fracture patients
General weakness, sickness & injuries

Visit Services
Request a nurse for
Injections, Drip, Catheter, Enema, Cannula, Dressing, Stitches, B.P. & Sugar Check, Blood Sample Collection

Medical Equiptments
Contact Us & Pre- Arrange
medical equipments setup
at your home.
Our staff will guide you setting up with the right equipments at your home, as per the requirement of the patient's condition.